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Tuition & Fees

Admission Fees

The admission fees at Shield Global School depends on the school division which the student enters into. The fees include a registration fee, an establishment fee, a caution deposit and a term fee.


4th Class Fees

1.50 Lakhs (including GST per year)

5th Class Fees

1.50 Lakhs (including GST per year)

6th Class Fees

1.60 Lakhs (including GST per year)

7th Class Fees

1.70 Lakhs (including GST per year)

8th Class Fees

1.80 Lakhs (including GST per year)

9th Class Fees

2.80 Lakhs (including GST per year)

11th Class Fees

3.00 Lakhs (including GST per year)
*Total Annual Fee includes following features/ facilities:

Sports:- Gym/boxing/Shooting range/ badminton/ swimming /table tennis/ indoor & outdoor Loth.

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